AMNH 'The Scientist is In' Monthly Livestream

By 3/11/2021 10:15:00 AM ,

The American Museum of Natural History "Scientist Is In" is a family-friendly online program featuring scientists from various fields, from astrophysics to zoology.

Join the livestream twice a month (second and fourth Thursdays) to hear what they study and the tools they use, then bring questions for each scientist to answer live.

Every month, The Scientist Is In also introduces the latest OLogy challenge—an activity that kids can complete at home and submit for a chance to be featured on OLogy, the Museum’s science website for kids.

Upcoming "Scientist Is In"Livestreams:

Thursday, March 11, at 2 pm: The Scientist Is In: Green Thumb.

Explore some of the most intriguing plants that live in ecosystems around you with botanist Donald McClelland in this family-friendly program. Then, watch a special showcase where you'll learn how to plant your own garden and create life right in your own home! Whether it’s herbs and vegetables for eating, or flowers to admire and decorate your space, you can find out all about how to create botanical life in this special green event.

Thursday, March 18, at 2 pm: The Scientist Is In: Our Wonderful Brain.

How does our brain work? Join science educator Rosemary Puckett for a family-friendly program about some of the most astonishing qualities of the human brain. We will explore different areas of neuroscience research, consider about how animal brains evolved, and watch live demonstrations highlighting the incredible abilities of our mind to celebrate Brain Awareness Week.

Thursday, March 25, 2 pm: The Scientist Is In: The World According to Pteropods.

Geologist Rosie Oakes will introduce us to the world of pteropods–tiny ocean creatures that migrate more than 650 feet (200 meters) every day from the surface to the bottom of the sea. Find out about the function of these fascinating critters within the larger ocean ecosystem, as well as their daily struggles as they fight predators, currents, and pollution in order to survive, in this family-friendly presentation.

A link to join the Facebook watch party will be posted soon on the Museum’s online calendar.

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