Katie Holmes Reads at Epic Holiday Books NYC Event

By 12/14/2021 11:46:00 AM

To spread holiday cheer, actress, director and producer Katie Holmes joined Epic, the digital reading platform, for the "My Winter City" event here in New York City.

photo credit: Epic/Michael Simon

Note: I was invited as media to this event. However, views expressed are 100% my own.

The theme of the day was how fun reading can be during the holidays, and that many of those classic and new stories can be found on Epic. Epic currently reaches more than 50 million kids who have read more than a BILLION books on the platform.

During the event, kids created holiday arts and crafts inspired by books found on Epic, before sitting down for a book reading by Holmes.

photo credit: Epic/Michael Simon

Katie explained how much she loves sharing classic books and stories with children this time of year, especially those centered on the holidays. There were even books that inspired her to stay up late on Christmas Eve looking for Santa.

“I was always reading when I was a kid, just like now! My favorite holiday books are Twas the Night before Christmas and How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” remarked Holmes.

She also enjoys how it’s different from when she was a kid and now children have the ability to read and experience authors all at their fingertips through their devices. “...and now kids have the ability to just look up where Santa is on Google.”

After directing two films in 2021, the star futher said that she is “looking forward to some rest and family time this holiday season,” which is sure to include reading a few books.

Among the children at the event, included a group from the New York based after-school reading and martial arts program Hit The Books.

To learn more, visit - www.getepic.com

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